2023 December Update
The ancient church placed Christmas in the darkest time of the year (northern hemisphere) to show that Jesus is the light of this world.
The ancient church placed Christmas in the darkest time of the year (northern hemisphere) to show that Jesus is the light of this world.
October 31st is Reformation Day, a time that 500 years ago began to shake up the world. Alongside this new change was a lot of suffering. It was a turning point. On October 31st of this year, there was just such a turnaround at the hospital in Shell.
We Wolffs have now been in Germany again for a month, and the hospital in Shell continues to work under the former leadership. What has happened in the meantime?
It took almost 40 years for the Israelites to reach their goal and enter the Promised Land. This is also how we see the situation at Shell Hospital today.
God Loves Surprises: The History of Israel, People’s Encounters with Jesus – One Surprise After Another. We can experience the same in our travel ministry in Germany and tell others about Shell.
Our Shell Hospital also needed several assurances from God that the way is right and needs corrections here and there. After many personnel changes, the organization is stable.
Easter has passed, but the hospital celebrated its own sort of Passover in the Jewish sense.
When we founded the first outpatient clinic in 2015, we found within 5 months that we had let ourselves be ripped off and didn’t know what to do anymore.
We greet you in the new year 2023 and want to update you on what happened in Shell during the Christmas season and what the future looks like.
This month we want to report something about our staff and patients, tell something from everyday life.