The End of the Spear
If you wish to learn more about the entire history of the area of Shell, don’t miss the movie – “The End of the Spear”
If you wish to learn more about the entire history of the area of Shell, don’t miss the movie – “The End of the Spear”
This short video shows some of the highlights of Nate Saint’s ministry and life.
Enjoy this well done video that details some of the story of Nate Saint and his friends in the 1950s and their impact in Ecuador
Enjoy this video taken in Shell (please be aware it is in Spanish) however it is very interesting to see what the locals know about
Dear Friends, October 2021 Shell, Oct. 12 2021 is our birthday! On October 12, 2015, we started our first clinic in a rented house not
New roof for the “casitas” – family facilities
for indigenous from the jungle.
Our mission is to share the love of Jesus through low cost quality healthcare. We do this by working to enable Hospital Shell. Hospital Shell,